Wednesday, January 30, 2008

How You Can Increase Your Computer's Speed Without Upgrading ?

How you can increase your computer's speed without upgrading ?

Every time I see the speed of my computer like the tortoise's speed I wonder if there are any ways to increase my computer speed without upgrading, and how can I speed up my computer although I'm a normal user and I don't have any programming skills?

The answer is very easy, just follow this ways:

1- Use Disk Cleanup to increase speed of Windows and the internet, how:

Start--->>All Programs or Program Files--->>Accessories--->>System Tools--->>Disk Cleanup then select the drive you want to cleanup and you should start with drive "C".

2- Use Scandisk to fix system errors and that make Windows run faster, how:

My Computer--->>click Right Click on drive C--->>Properties--->>Tools--->>Check Now then click on the first square to fix errors automatically then start.

3- Use Disk Defragmenter to increase the speed of your hard disk and applications, how: Start--->>All Programs or Program Files--->>Accessories--->>System Tools--->>Disk Defragmenter, then select the derive you want to begin with but you should start with derive "C" then click defragment.

4- Speed up your internet connection immediately: clean up your internet cache and your temporary internet files and cookies. Be careful because when deleting your cookies will also delete useful information from your computer. How can I speed up the internet connection:

Start--->>Control Panel--->>Internet Options--->>Delete Cookies and Delete Files.

5- Don't let a lot of applications running when Windows starts, because you will make Windows run slowly. How to delete applications from Startup menu:

Start--->>All Programs or Program Files--->>Startup then "click Right click and delete" on any application you want to delete.

Learn more about computers:

Abdelrahman Zohdy is the owner of, a web hosting company which offers cheap web hosting plans & free domain name registration.Carroll Blog29095
Alicia Blog35456

How To Back Up Files Correctly

Throughout the world of computers, its simply amazing just how many people are scared to death of losing their data. Most of those who are scared, dont give a second thought to backing up their data. Even though the thought may be the same, most people are worried more about losing their data than actually backing it up - which can prove to be a downfall in the face of disaster.

The process of backing up files is done by using servers, floppy disks, CD, DVD, external hard drives, or other methods to keep the data protected. This way, when something happens to your hard drive and you lose your information, youll have the information backed up so that you can easily access it again. Data that is important, such as tax files or business records should always be backed up, to ensure that nothing happens to it.

If you are using Windows as your operating system, it will be a lot easier to back up your files. Windows XP has a back up facility in it, so that it can make things a lot easier when you create your backups. If data that is stored on hard drives with XP becomes lost, Windows will immediately fetch the file from another drive or area where it has been stored as a back up. This is a very useful technique, although it still has to be practiced to ensure that you understand how it works. Although it may be very useful, it isnt as safe as other options.

In order to back up your data and programs in a safe and efficient manner, youll need to use some of the more reliable methods, such as external hard drives or servers. Offsite backups are great as well, as the data you backup isnt left around your office, it is instead entrusted with a company who will ensure that it stays protected.

No matter which method or methods you have decided to use for backing up your data, youll be happy to know that they are all easy to use. CD and DVD backups are easy to create, all you need is the software installed on your computer to create the backups with. Servers are easy to use as well, all you have to do is upload your data to a server, then log into the server anytime you need to have access to the data.

All in all, creating backups of your data and information is the perfect way to ensure that you always have it in the event of a disaster. Disasters can happen at any time, which is why you should always back up your data anytime you have something new or something that you havent backed up yet.

John Ugoshowa. You are welcome to use this article on your website or in your ezines as long as you have a link back to Blog9691
Aleta Blog9035

TV Shows For Backpackers

Not many television shows are produced with backpackers in mind. Still, there are some tv shows that can be appreciated especially by backpackers. They may even contain some useful lessons. Here are some examples of the best.

The Classic National Geographic Specials

Specials produced by the National Geographic Society are great viewing when you want to get motivated for new backpacking trips. The older ones are some of the best for this, like the thirty-year-old episode where four guys built a raft and floated down the Yukon River. You can find many of these on DVD now in public libraries, as well as in some video rental stores. You can se newer episodes on the National Geographic Network and occasionally on PBS.

Les Stroud's Survivorman

This television program is all about wilderness survival. You'll find it on the Discovery Channel, the Science Channel, and possibly others. It's about one man against the elements. The man in this case is Les Stroud, who is put in various environments to survive for seven days while filming himself.

One great feature of Survivorman is that each show has a "theme." The Canadian arctic episode, for example, has Stroud left with a broken-down snowmobile. He cannibalizes this various useful items, including the seat cushion, which he uses for a insulating sleeping pad. The Sonoran desert episode has him in the middle of a desert with a broken dirt bike, and he uses wires from this to weave a blanket of grass.

The show is creative and entertaining, but is a survival program useful for backpackers? I think so. There are specific techniques of survival that Stroud shows us and, more importantly, the inspiration the show provides. Survivorman lets you know that you can survive - and it gets you in the habit of thinking about how to use everything around you. This is knowledge that not only makes the wilderness more interesting, but could also save your life someday.

I Shouldn't Be Alive

It's a pure survival story show - all true stories of people that have survived some of the most horrible circumstances in every type of wilderness. In one episode the story is told of a couple who were stranded for nine days in the middle of winter in the Sierra Nevadas - with a baby. They really shouldn't be alive, but they are.

This is the point of watching a show like this. It is inspiring. Watch the episode where the man crashes his plane in the African desert and breaks his spine, then faces killer elephants, ants, thorns, hyenas and more. If you are ever lost in the wilderness, just recall a few of these shows and you'll know that people have survived worse situations than yours. You won't give up hope too easily.

The various "reality shows," like survivor, are mostly drama and more about political survival than wilderness experience, but there are other things for backpackers to watch on television. These include movies that get us motivated, like the "White Wolf," series. Movies like these may not be full of great acting, but they always put teenage hikers in beautiful setting that make us want to get the pack out and start making plans.

One final recomendation. If you can catch it on television or rent it from the video store, watch "The Edge," with Anthony Hopkins. It is an inspirational survival story for starters. It also has some of the most beautiful scenery you'll see in a movie. You'll want to start planning a trip to the Canadian Rockies before the movie is even over. This one is my kind of backpacker television.

Copyright Steve Gillman. Visit his website for backpacking tips, photos, gear recommendations, a free book and a new wilderness survival section: http://www.The-Ultralight-Site.comArlene Blog12923
Arline Blog69378

What You Should Know About Online Education Certificates

The major bone of contention worldwide confronting online education is distance education online certificates. The certificate is what youre given at the end of the course or programme to show that you attended the course. The certificate unfortunately is what our society and prospective employers will use to judge your competence. The certificate is needed to show that youre educated and therefore qualified to attain any political office in the land. This and other reasons are why much importance is attached to getting certificates at the end of your educational pursuit.

However, its been discovered that distance education online certificates is no longer to be trusted. Many employers are skeptical and are denying good and reliable graduates from online institutions employment. And the reason is not far fetched. A search for free online education certificate at google will justify what Im telling you. There are so many online institutions out there offering free certificates. And you better not be fooled by this. These certificates, for sure are not genuine. Rather than help you, earning free certificate will spell doom for your career.

Most of the institutions offering these free certificates do send bulk mails to people all over the internet soliciting for enrollment. I have received a couple in my mailbox and often dont waste time deleting them immediately the subject shows its from one of the bogus online institutions out there. None of the reputable online institutions offering genuine certificates send out mails all over the web. Youll only receive their mail if you request for more information from them.

The only sure means of getting genuine distance education online certificates is to attend fully accredited universities or colleges. You wont have problem with prospective employers. These employers know the good and reliable online institutions on the internet and therefore cannot be fooled. Certificates from any good and reliable schools such as The university of South Africa, The open University and so on will mark you out. The employers know that youve undergone a lot of strict training before being given the certificates of these schools. And also, they have a means of detecting whether its a downloaded certificate or not. Moreover, the employers can easily and quickly verify your certificates from any of these institutions.

If you want that dream home of yours, if you desire to achieve that financial status youve dreamt of, make sure that you get genuine distance education online certificates from reputable and reliable online institutions.

Ras Reed provides more detailed and free information on distance education on his website. Get more info at Blog45988
Aggy Blog18192

The Essentials of Software Testing - What Everyone Must Know about Computer Software Testing

Since we are living in a highly-technological age, the term computer software is not really new to us. They are basically found in a majority of electronic gadgets that we commonly see or utilize: from the computers that we use for the internet to the system applications that make basic machineries operate. Indeed, their emergence to our society has revolutionized the way we live our lives and it is because of this that future prospects are being cast regarding the growing demand of computer software in the future. So what then is software testing?

Just like any other products that we see that are being circulated around the market, each of these products need to pass a certain qualification or standard before being made available for public use. Similarly, thats what software testing does. It ensures that a software program passes a certain standard or quality as determined by professional computer testing experts before it is used by programmers to operate applications, gadgets and other computer systems.

For us to understand the whole process better, software testing can be summarized into three processes: verification, error detection and validation. Lets take a look at each process step. Verification, from the root word verify, refers to the step of validating or verifying the capabilities and qualities of the software that is developed to see if it passes or reaches the desired standards or requirements before considering it for general use.

But what if the software and its parts suddenly go wrong? Now thats where the process of error detection comes in. This step will subject the specific software program to a series of tests where it is expected to fail under normal circumstances. Of course, if it withstands those series of tests without failing the required standards, then it is approved.

The final test that it needs to hurdle is the validation step, which requires the software program to perform the tasks or services it was made for. And if the software program successfully hurdles all these three steps, it will then be subjected to a final series of test application to determine its suitability for higher-end technological services. So in other words, the software program will stage a successful run among all of these tests, then it will now be used for general distribution and usage.

What are the implications of software testing to our society? Well, people might find this technological process complicated but actually, it can potentially help and save our environment from future damages that abused technologies can bring. Software testing enables testing experts to determine at the initial stage the probable factors that can cause technological system damage to particular software programs and its possible adverse affects if misused in the long run. Overall, it will help experts generate data or facts that will help them improve on their researches on the field of computer technology in order to produce more innovative and technologically-beneficial products in the future.

Jones Wright owns and operates What Is Software TestingBritte Blog81146
Brietta Blog59492

Get Creative to Relieve Stress

There are many things we can do to relieve stress, ranging from small routine changes (such as avoiding rush hour traffic) to large drastic life changes (such as quitting our stressful jobs!).

At the smaller end of the scale, I believe one of the best ways that you can relieve stress is to 'get creative'.

What can you do to get creative? Anything you like, as long as 'you' do the creating!

It could be physical or mental creativity (preferably both), big or small. For example, is it about time you changed your garden around? Changed those dull old patio slabs? Now would be a good idea to get creative.

To relieve stress you have to do something you can be proud of. You need to be able to stand back and say to yourself, `Yep, I did that and I did a terrific job'.

Take the example above, if you're not physically able (and would have to employ someone to do the labouring for you) you could still design the garden yourself! Teach yourself a little about landscape gardening and design the best garden you can. If you are able to labour for yourself, design and build it entirely yourself! And most important of all, give yourself a pat on the back once you've finished and be proud of your hard work.

But it doesn't have to be so big (or so expensive). You could make a model aeroplane, do your own painting, and make something from clay, or anything at all.

One of my friends recently bought his own materials and built a magnificent kite! He said it felt great to finish it, but when he stood back and actually saw his achievement (i.e. when it was flying) he felt truly elated. Now that's stress relief!

Form a personal point of view, having suffered with a phobia of public speaking for so long, I always wanted to set up my own website - to be able to communicate in another way, freely, without the troubles I would usually have. When I eventually found a way to set up my site the pride and sense of achievement I felt was enormous. And with that pride and achievement came the stress relief I was after.

So from the examples above I hope you can see how you too can get creative to relive stress. The list of things you could do is endless.

Now it's time for the hard part. . . getting started!

(c) Paul EvansAudrie Blog81903
Angelina Blog20379

Why You Must Obey Movie Copyright Laws In The Digital Age

Many people have pursued the hobby of downloading movies and songs on the Internet and sharing them with their friends and family online. However, this is direct violation of U.S. copyright laws. Not surprisingly, the biggest violators of the movie copyright laws are students. The movie industry is sending out copyright infringement claims to college universities around the country. One reason that college students may be the hardest hit is that they are not aware of how serious a crime copyright infringement is.

Many college students who have lawsuits brought against them are shocked, to say the least. They question why they were not warned about the perils of downloading movies and songs online and passing them along to friends. However, with the rise of claims, no one can claim ignorance for much longer. Word is being spread near and far that if you engage in illegal downloading and/or sharing, then you can be brought to court. College students are learning the hard way that it is against the law and in violation of copyright laws to share or download copyrighted material. Many colleges and universities now state in their handbooks that it is against the law to illegally download movies, music and other forms of media using school computers.

In addition to illegal downloading and sharing movies, the files take up space on the computer systems and use a considerable amount of bandwidth. While most universities and colleges will not look at the content an individual has -- they can isolate and identify the individuals who are hogging up bandwidth by using illegal file sharing.

The movie and music industries have stepped in and are demanding restitution for illegally downloaded movies, music and other forms of copyrighted media. They have detection agencies that have the technology to identify and trace copyright infringements straight to their source. Once the computer is located they can notify the university or the college that they are in violation. The university will be told that they have a copyright infringement claim against them. Based on the Digital Millennium Copyright Act, once the computer is isolated, then Internet access is terminated to that computer and court proceedings can begin.

Does this sound far fetched? Well, it is not. You should know that a few years ago Recording Industry Association of America sued four students. These students attended Princeton, Michigan Technical University and Rensselear Polytechnic Institute. One student had an estimated liability of $150 billion. When you consider that you can be charged $750 per song that you illegally download, the total can add up fast! The good thing is the lawsuits against the college students were settled for amounts less than $20,000. That is not pocket change for college students -- or anyone for that matter!

Movies and music are meant to be enjoyed. However, illegally downloading movies and music is not much different than walking into a video store and sticking DVDs and CDs in your pocket. Be careful. You do not want to be caught violating any movie copyright laws.

Richard Cunningham is a freelance journalist who covers copyright law for Download his free e-book, "Copyright Basics" at Blog25150
Bettine Blog7905

Top Mutual Fund Companies To Invest In

Mutual funds are considered to be the best option by some investment managers. These funds can be managed by professionals and have the potential to provide the investors with high returns. Mutual fund companies invest an investor's money in various stocks, bonds and other short term or long term securities. Top mutual fund companies ensure that the investors are provided with he best possible services and options.

If a person chooses to invest in mutual funds then he/she has two options. He/she can either invest directly and purchase funds through several agents who sell mutual funds. The likes include banks, insurance companies, stock brokers and discount stock brokers. On the other hand an individual may buy mutual funds directly from a mutual funds company. One major advantage of dealing directly with mutual funds companies is that there are no transaction costs involved in the process. Unlike other mutual fund sellers, mutual fund companies do not have any hidden agenda. Also, an individual does not have to worry about the mutual funds being loaded (that is when owners have to pay transaction costs in the beginning, middle or at the end of the deal).

Mutual fund companies invest the money of investors in various stocks, bonds and equities. The combined holdings of a mutual fund are referred to as its portfolio. Each share in the company represents an individual investors share in the funds and the income generated. So when a person invests in a share of the company, he/she becomes a shareholder with the mutual fund company.

In case of profits all the mutual fund holders are provided with dividends by the company. However, if losses occur then the shares of the company decrease in value. Mutual fund companies generally divide the funds on the basis of the risk factor involved and the fees charged for each. They generally charge more if people want to invest in high risk funds. But a high fees does not necessarily indicate higher returns because these stocks fluctuate on daily basis. Based on their risk factor and the duration for which a fund should be held mutual funds are generally divided into the following types:

* Class A Stocks These are considered to be the best option if people have plans of holding the stocks for 2 or more years.

* Class B Stocks These are beneficial for long term holding of stocks. Generally small investors prefer these stocks. There is no front end fees and also the sales charge keep reducing.

* Class C Stocks These are considered best for short term investors. Front end fees is not required in these stocks either.

No matter how well a company's mutual funds perform, certain risk factors would always be there. Before investing in a mutual fund an individual needs to decide how much risk he/she is willing to take. Only then should one go ahead with it.

Sandra Stammberger owns and operates Ira AccountAmalee Blog36596
Amalle Blog42553

Career Options For The Ambitious Nurse Entrepreneur

Nurses are taking control of their careers by exploring options other than the traditional roles of yester-year. Independent RN Contractors are storming the healthcare field. There was a time when nurses were hesitant about cutting the ties from the employer not true today. More and more nurses are now enjoying the many benefits of self-employment. Nurse Contractors are now a large part of the nursing industry thanks to the ambitious nurse entrepreneurs. Nurses have realized the many advantages of cutting the middleman out of nursing.

An Independent Nurse Contractor is one who practices outside the customary role of an employee of another; as an alternative they elect to work as an independent contractor. You will set the terms of your services limited only by need and your ability to negotiate. An Independent contractor can contract his or her nursing services directly with a healthcare facility or with a patient and continue bedside practice. A contractual agreement is drawn up between you and the institution. You will be able to negotiate your compensation, hours worked and length of time your services will be needed. The contract is similar to those used by nursing agencies and travel companies outlining the services to be provided, the responsibilities of both the healthcare facility and the nurse, and the length of time the services are to be provided. Nurses contract their nursing services out to a huge assortment of fields in the Healthcare Industry; Home Health, Nursing Homes, Hospitals, Rehab Centers and Doctors Offices just to name a few.

You may elect to practice as Sole Proprietors, Limited Liability Company or with others in a group using a variety of legal entities. These could include public corporations, partnerships, or other structures that professionals commonly use such as a common term registrars .It is actually something that nurses have been doing all along. Think about it, when you work for an agency you are doing the same thing except now you are eliminating the middle man and enjoying the all the benefits without them taking a large piece of the pie.

Any nurse can start a business, including two-year graduates and diploma nurses. No advance degrees are necessary unless your business includes diagnosing and treating medical problems. State nurse practice acts do no prohibit a nurse from starting up their own business as an Independent Nurse Contractor. Independent nurse contractor is one who contracts with a healthcare facility for nursing services. A contractual agreement is drawn up between you and the institution. You will be able to negotiate your compensation, hours worked and length of time your services will be needed. There is no prohibition in any Nurse Practice Act that prohibits your practicing as an independent contractor.

The advantages of business ownership are rewarding and challenging and far exceed the risks. No more Bosses, You are now your own chief. Dedication, ambition and long hours can increase your income, rather than increasing profits for someone else. Starting A Nursing Agency and working as an Independent Nurse Contractor is one that more and more nurses are turning to for career fulfillment. Nurses are finding that they can double or even triple their income; increase their choices as to how often when and where to work, gain professional autonomy and increase over all job satisfaction. So get rid of the middle man and enjoy all the benefits offered in this exciting Nursing Career Opportunity.


Get everything needed to start up your business today

My Name is Tammie Mericle and I have been practicing as a RN for 15 years with the last several years as an Independent Nurse Contractor. Ive worked in a variety of fields;pediatrics, med-surg., home health, emergency room, critical care. I absolutely love nursing but am not all that crazy about all the pay & politics I worked as a Traveling nurse and then decided to cut out the middleman and am now practicing as an Independent Nurse Contractor working all of my contracts in hospital settings. It has been such a great change but along the way I discovered that many nurse were not that familiar with the process. Many were interested but had no idea where to start. I wrote a Manual: Success As An Independent Nurse Contractor RN Career Opportunity visit blog @ Athene Blog745
Ariana Blog67968

How to Launch Your "Boomerang Kidult"

Now that Labor Day has come and gone, all the kids should be out of the house and back at school. But wait! What about your emerging adult child who is still living with you, his or her college degree neatly tucked away? Are you in the midst of a replay of the big screen comedy Failure to Launch and not finding it quite so funny? You're not alone.

Millions of fledgling adults, often called kidults, have graduated from college but are not living independently of their parents. According to the 2000 U.S. Census, 25% of young adults between the ages of 18 and 34 still lived with their parents. Young people are studying longer or marrying later, postponing adulthood until around age 30. Here's how this extended period of dependency can affect relationships.

Steve remembers how he longed for those empty-nester days once his son had moved home from college. He reflected on the irony. The guidelines our son wanted to discuss were not the ones my wife and I had set down. He told us we were not to tie up the computer or play with his dog. He also wanted us to leave the bathroom fan off when we showered, so the noise wouldnt wake him up. We hardly got a chance to talk about what we wanted.

It's called triangulation, when your relationship as a couple has to accommodate your emerging adult child. What it often means is less privacy and spontaneity for you, and a need to establish new patterns of interaction and parenting.

As Beth realized: We cant treat her as if shes a teenager but we also dont intend to lose sleep worrying about whether shes o.k. Unless we can agree on some reasonable curfew, this living arrangement just isnt going to work.

Jill had been a single mom since her three children were young teens. Once her last child went to college she felt free to move in with her partner. When my middle daughter lost her job and could no longer afford to live alone, I didnt have the heart to say no to her. But with the chaos that ensued, I soon regretted my decision. As I recognized that my growing resentment was affecting all of us, I took a stand. We defined the house rules, split up the chores and set a deadline for her moving out. Now we try to openly air the issues and our feelings.

Like Jill, you can take a stand. Here are some more ideas:

1. Establish areas of accountability and appropriate boundaries. This can smooth day-to-day living; it encourages some emotional detachment and the freedom to reclaim your own lives.

2. Insist that your kidults face their own challenges. At times tough love is the most effective support parents can give. Janes son chose to move back home after his divorce and expected his mother to handle his laundry, shopping and cleaning the way his wife had. She knew he had to learn to take care of himself, once again. I insisted that we set some things straight and that he take responsibility for himself. We created a chart like the one when the kids were in grade school. I have not backed down and so far we are all still here, trying to make our complicated situation work.

3. Create a timetable for financial independence. Financial assistance comes with a price for all - with potential conflict around issues of co- dependency, control and unsolicited advice. Jack commented, Our daughter wants to live rent free but wont listen to our advice about how to get back on her feet. Our plan is that she will be on her own within six months, and we will stick to that.

4. Commit to a concrete plan to move the family toward common goals. This requires the willingness to work as a team, with frequent discussions as well as some compromise. When you put limits and deadlines into place, the result is less conflict. According to a 2006 Money/ICR poll, 60% of Americans believe that college graduates should be allowed to move back home, but only for up to a year, and 57% state that parents should charge them rent.

5. Find the right balance between offering support to your offspring and taking care of yourselves. Sally and Garry were enjoying spending time together when the last of their children left home. These pleasures were short lived. When their daughter separated and wanted to move back, they initially felt that they couldnt turn her away. It wasnt long before their patience wore thin, and they knew they had no choice. Our daughter got lazy. She wouldnt look for work and made little effort to help out. We eventually insisted that she find other arrangements. We felt guilty and spent a lot of time discussing our decision. But we have waited forever for this period in our lives and we dont plan to miss it.

6. Let go. Once you have done all you can to prepare your boomerang kidults to be on their own, let go of your resistance and act. Launching them is an opportunity for all of you. Tap into your own passions and begin to imagine the adventures that lie ahead.

© - 2006

Phyllis Goldberg, Ph.D. and Rosemary Lichtman, Ph.D. are co-founders of, a website dedicated to the issues of mid-life women, and co-authors of a forthcoming book about Baby Boomer women and family relationships. They are psychotherapists with 40 years of collective experience in private practice.Aubrette Blog1172
Bria Blog75630

Saving Money Online With Digital Coupons, Freebies, And Comparison Shopping

The Internet is a great invention for many different reasons. But, did you know that it can be a great resource for saving you money when shopping? You no longer have to clip coupons out of the Sunday paper; you can find them right at the tip of your fingers just by knowing where to look!


One of the easiest ways to save money on the Internet is by printing online coupons. All you have to do is type the search criteria "online coupon" in your favorite search engine and you are on your way to savings! Here are some examples of great online web sites that help you save money:

CouponSurfer CouponSurfer has almost 300 coupons from over 100 stores on their web site. Do you need new brake pads on your car? You can save up to 50% just by filling out the free registration form at CouponSurfer and printing their coupon. Other recent savings at CouponSurfer were a 40-cent coupon from Tropicana, a 50-cent off coupon from St. Joseph's aspirin, and coupons from Pampers.

Hot Coupons Hot Coupons lets you type in your zip code or city name to find discounts offered in your area. You can find savings for local restaurants, automotive centers, health centers, retail stores, and businesses including real estate, lawyers, hotels, and doctors.

Also, pay attention to television commercials. Many times, companies coming out with a new product will advertise on television and list a web page where you can print a money saving coupon. A recent commercial from Febreze listed their web page address. By going there, you can fill out a form and have Frebreze mail you $20 in coupons for many of their products, including their latest electronic air freshener, NOTICEables.

Coupon Codes

There are also web sites that offer a percentage off online purchases. Ultimate Coupons is a great example of this type of online savings site. Ultimate Coupons constantly updates their site with the latest in online savings. A recent search showed coupons for 10% off at, 15% off Pet Supplies at Petco, and $5 off $20 on Digital Photos & Gifts at Snapfish. Many times, if you search online, you can also find codes for free shipping to places like Macys, Sears, Amazon, and Old Navy.


Many web sites have user forums where people can share online savings and free offers with each other. Big Big Forums is an excellent place to visit to find coupon codes, freebies, and reward programs. Members (there are over 31,000) post different offers they have seen on television or found online. There are folders for each particular type of offer, so it is very easy to find things here. Once you register for free, you too can post coupon codes and freebies. You may even be lucky enough to get in on a free subscription to a magazine such as TV Guide or link to a free Schick Quattro razor.

Comparison Shopping

A great feature of many Internet web sites is that they will give you price comparisons of items for which you are looking. Froogle is Google's shopping search engine. All you have to do is type in the name of what you are looking for and Froogle does the rest! It will find web pages selling the item you are looking for and lists the price. That way, you can find the best deal available. There are several other web sites that will help you to do comparison shopping such as MySimon and Bizrate. Letting these sites help you find the best price can make every online shopping experience enjoyable.

Other web sites can save you money online too. You can refinance your home loan and find the lowest interest rates by searching at Ditech or search for the cheapest car insurance at Geico. How do you learn about all the sites available? The best way is to pay attention to the media. Commercials, newspapers, and magazines are always listing web sites. Also, join a forum such as Big Big Forums. When people share ideas and resources, it can be great for your pocketbook. Remember that every coupon and savings opportunity adds up!

Jean Gibbons offers valuable tips and advice on saving money online, internet coupons, and using coupons codes for discounts. Blog50169
Adrianne Blog42295

Do You Really Need a New Refrigerator?



Before we Begin:

1-Is the receptacle hot and is the plug plugged in well. Either a meter or a lamp plugged into the same receptacle will determine if it is hot. Pull the plug from the receptacle
and check it for scorch, brown burn marks, or rough arc on the connecting prongs.

2-Check the inside of the freezer and cooling compartment and determine if the food is not permitting air flow through the vents for the evaporator fan. This has embarrassed many homeowners. An intake vent at the bottom of the freezing compartment and a vent into the cooling compartment must be free to allow air circulation.

3-Pull the toe plate (front bottom at floor level) and check the condenser coil for lint and foreign matter stopping the air flow under the refrigerator. Air must circulate.

4-Do the door seals really seal or are they broken or cracked.

5-Is the back panel of the inside of the refrigerator or freezing compartment iced. There may be frost on this back panel indicating a frozen evaporator coil.

Now we Begin:

5- The evaporator coil and fan (in a two compartment refrigerator) will be located in the rear of the freezer compartment. Remove all food from the freezer. Remove the racks and the ice maker if applicable. The ice maker is held in place by three tie points. Normally one is under the tray and two above. Either a Phillips #2 screw or or 5/16 nut driver will be needed.

The evaporator compartment is hidden by a back panel inside the refrigerator. This can be opened by removing the screws securing it. Is the evaporator coil frozen solid? Is the small circulating fan running? Often the circulating fan will be frozen in place with ice on the coil. If so free it and check that the fan operates. This fan can be unplugged and a continuity check made through the two motor leads to determine the condition of the fan motor. An inexpensive meter for $10 or more is all that is needed. Air over the coil keeps the evaporator coil free of ice and circulates the cold air into the cooling compartment. If the fan is bad, replace it, defrost the coil and resume the operation of the unit. This is normally all that is necessary.

Refrigerators (as with air conditioners) have two coils involved in the refrigeration process. Air must circulate over both of these coils for the unit to operate and cool. One

In these tests remember that air must pass over both coils to create a lower temperature.

Listen for the compressor. When the thermostat is lowered below the temperature present in the refrigerator the compressor should start and run until the temperature of the thermostat is satisfied. Often the sound you will hear is the fan that blows air across the condenser coil under the refrigerator.

It may be necessary to pull the unit from the wall and remove the black (normally cardboard or plastic) panel by removing the either or 5/16 hex screws. Feeling the compressor vibrate should enable one to determine if the compressor is running. One can normally hear the compressor and it will be warm to the touch. The smaller of the tubes leaving the compressor will be warm to hot.

If the condenser coil is under the refrigerator, there will be a small electric fan that pulls air across the coil when the compressor is running. It will be visible from the rear, inside the compartment exposed by removing the panel. This fan must run for the unit to operate. At this point check the coils for obstructions. Many times lint and other matter will block the air flow across the coils disallowing a good air flow. Air must circulate freely.

If this fan is not working, check the continuity of the wiring with an ohm meter and rotate the fan blade by hand to determine if a bad bearing in the motor has frozen. Disconnect refrigerator by unplugging the cord from the wall. The leads for the fan can be disconnected and continuity checked. No Continuity - bad motor. Frozen Bearing - bad motor. This motor is a sealed and self lubricated. A replacement will be available at any refrigeration supply house for $15 or so. I normally get supplies at First Choice.

Check out my website I carry many tools needed for appliance repair.


Eddie Ellison - I am an electrician by trade,but have been involved in many types of construction and appliance maintance for most of my life. I am now retired, but have stayed involved in all of these activities on a part time basis.Candice Blog5827
Albina Blog46917

Atlanta Schools Public Engagement Partnerships

The Atlanta Schools Office of Public Engagement is responsible for creating and fostering partnerships between Atlanta Schools, community volunteers, teachers, parents, national and local corporations, non-profit groups, and civic organizations in order to advance student achievement. The Office of Public Engagement was created as part of the ongoing educational reform that is occurring throughout the Atlanta Schools. The Offices aim is to connect the schools with any resource that could offer a positive influence on the success of the students in the Atlanta Schools. Many of these relationships are of a creative and ground-breaking nature. Several of the most successful partnership programs involve some of the largest corporations in the nation.

Hewlett Packard's "Bringing it Home" Program

The Atlanta Schools has for many years been part of the Hewlett Packard's "Bringing it Home" program. The Atlanta Schools partnership with Hewlett Packard is part of a larger program that has representatives from Hewlett Packard visiting over 600 schools in the United States, Canada and the Caribbean. The main goal of the Hewlett Packard's "Bringing it Home" Program is to encourage students, their parents and teachers to create and communicate with technology. The Hewlett Packard's "Bringing it Home" Program is an interactive exploratory program that allows students to gain practical experience using digital photography and computers.

Atlanta Schools Price Middle School was one of the locations where students were exposed to the latest innovations in technology. The Price Middle Schools students were able to see how this technology could be applied to their own assignments and projects. The aim at Price Middle School was to help the students by making their work more efficient. The students, principal and teachers at Price Middle School all profited from Atlanta Schools participation in the Hewlett Packard's "Bringing it Home" Program.

Atlanta Schools Long Term Partnership with General Electric

Atlanta Schools has been in a partnership with General Electric Energy since 1993 and will continue this partnership in the future. The partnership with General Electric involves several different ongoing projects and was originally started by former Atlanta Schools graduates who now are employed by General Electric. The General Electric Partnership was started as a tutoring and mentoring program where General Electric employees would volunteer in schools in the area but it has grown to include Saturday SAT preparation, the Family Technology Resource Center, and scholarship programs. There are now more than 1,500 General Electric employees involved in the General Electric Partnership in some way. The General Electric Partnership has proved to be very influential in student SAT performance.

In 2002, General Electric donated $1 million to Atlanta Schools Southside High School as part of General Electrics national College Bound Grant Program. This donation to Southside High School was the first grant from the College Bound Grant Program to be given to a school in the Atlanta Schools. The grant is being used by Southside High Schools "Strategic Design for Student Success" project. The school wide project plans to double, by 2007, the percentage of Southside High Schools graduating seniors who go on to four-year or two-year colleges or universities, or who enroll in technical institutions.

Stacy Andell is a staff writer for Schools K-12, providing free, in-depth reports on all U.S. public and private K-12 schools. Stacy has a nose for research and writes stimulating news and views on school issues. For more information on Atlanta schools visit Blog67412
Aleen Blog8040

Scam Alert II: Domain Hijacking

There's a frightening new batch of scams going around now that can damage your reputation as domain "squatters" steal your domain name.

There are a number of ways the "game" is played. The first is entirely legal, if more than a little questionable. In this version, the name of a city or geographic area is grabbed by a domain squatter and pointed to... "sites that you wouldn't want your children visiting."

(We chose that term to avoid getting caught in a lot of spam filters for the use of the word "p-o-rn.")

A prominent notice is placed on the sites, offering them for sale at prices that range from $2500 to as much as $500,000!

The idea here is that city officials will feel that enough damage is being done to the reputations of their towns that they'll pay to keep them from being associated with that type of material.

It's obviously safe to say that it's not appropriate to pop those kinds of images into people's faces while they're looking for info on a completely different topic.

That's where the pressure on the cities comes from, and why this is such a disgusting scheme.

In essence, the domain squatter says: "Pay us, or continue to watch as your city's reputation suffers."

Many would call this blackmail...


The second variation on the theme is not always legal. When someone takes a trademarked name (or variation of the spelling of one) or a famous person's name, and does the same thing.

For trademarks or close variations, there's a specific procedure for addressing the problem. (See the resource section at the end of this issue.)

For the names of famous people, there MAY be a remedy. But, it can be tricky -- and expensive.

For example, if someone named John Jones registered and pointed it to one of "those" sites, Walter Cronkite could probably force the domain away from him.

However, if someone named Steve Cronkite registered and did the same thing, Walter Cronkite would have no recourse. It would be very hard to demonstrate that Steve registered the domain in bad faith. And if Steve's son's name is Walter, the same is true for

If you feel that your name is likely to be typed into a browser when people are looking for information on you, you should consider getting both the .com and .net versions of the domain if they're available.

It will cost you a few bucks to prevent the problem. Fixing it, assuming you win, will cost you hundreds -- if not thousands -- of dollars.

And there's no guarantee you'll win.


A third version is a bit more benign. It's common among members of affiliate programs.

In this version names very close to, or even including, the trademark are registered. The sites are created to drive traffic to the affiliates' URL at the main site.

This may or may not be acceptable to the affiliate program owner. If it is, it's a good technique for getting traffic. If not, it could get you into hot water. Check with the owner of the trademark before doing this.

Less benign is an alternative version of this technique where someone grabs domain names that are close to the trademark of a competitor and uses them to grab competitor type-in traffic. This is often done by finding out the most common misspellings of the real domain name or trademark.

Watch for people doing this with your domain.


Here's the worst version of this -- and it can hit anyone if they have enough traffic and don't pay close attention to when their domain registrations expire.

In this situation, someone grabs expired domain names and points them to "those" kinds of sites. This is a "no lose" for the hijacker, as they will profit from the traffic even if the previous owner doesn't pay the requested ransom for the domain.

The more traffic the URL gets, the greater the clickthrough value to the hijacker. This means more potential damage to the original owner -- and a higher ransom to get it back.

In effect, your own popularity is your worst enemy in this case.

The solution to this one is simple -- and very important: Don't let your domain names expire!

Useful Resources:
If you find yourself a victim of domain hijacking, there is hope for correcting the problem.

For a more formal explanation of the legal aspects of this problem, visit

For specific information on the UDRP (Uniform Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy), the procedure for taking domain names that are being used in violation of a trademark, see

For information on taking action under the Anti-Cybersquatting Act (A US law that provides for damages in addition to the less severe penalties of the UDRP) see

If you have a famous name or trademark, the best defense is to make sure that you register the main variations in both the .com and .net form. The .org is probably only necessary if you are heavily involved with charitable activities.

Protect yourself. Scammers come up with new schemes all the time...

So, keep your eyes open.

Douglas Miller is a retired fire service captain, now making a living working from home. His company Hundred-Fold-Life is not just a name but also a belief. To learn how to find the best home based business ideas and opportunities so you can work at home visit: http://www.clixgo.comBette Blog37770
Bibbye Blog25884

I Love Italian Wine and Food - The Abruzzi Region

If you are looking for fine Italian wine and food, consider the Abruzzi region of central Italy. You may find a bargain, and I hope that youll have fun on this fact-filled wine education tour.

Abruzzi is located on the central eastern part of Italy on the coast of the Adriatic Sea. The area is 2/3 mountains and 1/3 hills. Over time Abruzzi has belonged to the Romans, the Lombards, and the kingdom of Naples. While this area was once very poor, its income is now growing. Abruzzi and Molise were a single region from 1948 to 1965. Its population is 1.275 million.

Agricultural products include grapes, olives, wheat, sugar beets, tobacco, saffron, pigs, and sheep. The Adriatic Sea and inland lakes and streams provide a wide variety of fish and shellfish. If I remember correctly, the first time that I heard of this region was decades ago, when I learned that according to Craig Claiborne, at the time Food Editor of the New York Times, Italys best food was found in Abruzzi.

Abruzzi has no large cities. Its administrative center lAquila has a population of about 70 thousand. But big cities are hardly a requirement for good wine. Few would ever claim that Italys best wines come from Rome, or the surrounding area.

Abruzzi devotes about eighty two thousand acres to grapevines, it ranks 10th among the 20 Italian regions. Its total annual wine production is about 110 million gallons, giving it a 5th place. About 90% of the wine production is red or ros (not very much ros), leaving 10% for white. The region produces 3 DOC wines. DOC stands for Denominazione di Origine Controllata, which may be translated as Denomination of Controlled Origin, presumably a high-quality wine and 1 DOCG red wine, Montepulciano dAbruzzo Colline Teramane. The G in DOCG stands for Garantita, but there is in fact no guarantee that such wines are truly superior. About 17% of Abruzzi wine carries the DOC or DOCG designation. Abruzzi is home to about two dozen major and secondary grape varieties, a few more white and than red.

Widely grown international white grape varieties include Trebbiano and Chardonnay. Sauvignon Blanc. The best known strictly Italian white variety is Trebbiano dAbbruzzi, felt by some to be Bombino Bianco.

The best known Italian red variety is Montepulciano dAbruzzo. The Montepulciano dAbruzzo DOC is the most widely exported Italian DOC wine.

Before we reviewing the Abruzzi wine and cheese that we were lucky enough to purchase at a local wine store and a local Italian food store, here are a few suggestions of what to eat with local wines when touring this beautiful region.

Start with a Pizza Rustica, Cinnamon-Scented Pie Stuffed with Proscuitto, Cheese, and Eggs.

Then move on to Polenta sulla Spianatora, Polenta (Cornbread) Topped with Sausage in Spicy Tomato Sauce.

For desert enjoy a Crostata di Ricotta, a Ricotta Tart.

OUR WINE REVIEW POLICY While we have communicated with well over a thousand Italian wine producers and merchants to help prepare these articles, our policy is clear. All wines that we taste and review are purchased at the full retail price.

Wine Reviewed

Abruzzo Illuminati Montepulciano dAbruzzo Riparosso 2004 DOC 13% alcohol about $11.50

The marketing materials state that this wine has hints of an Amarone (a much more expensive wine) or a Ripasso ( a more expensive wine). There are raisings, currants, and tar on the nose whilst the taste profile is ripe, mellow fruit flavors of raspberry jam and ocha. It doesnt contain a lot of acidity so drink it within a year. Pair it with pizza, burgers, or any meat dish that you tend to eat during the week.

This wine is said to complement pasta, red meats, and savory cheeses.

I found the Riparosso to be somewhat robust, with cherry and plum flavors. I didnt have the feeling that I was drinking a regular Montepulciano dAbruzzo, but instead almost a Ripasso, a wine that I prefer. This wine managed to feel full-bodied even with its light tannins. It balanced nicely the tanginess of barbecued eggplant loaded with garlic, and demonstrated notable spiciness when paired with a meat ball and vegetable stew. Its acidity was pleasant. I did not discern all the flavors listed above. For me the dominant flavor was black cherry. The final meat dish that accompanied this wine was a barbecued boneless rib steak with a spicy curry and cumin sauce. The wine seemed to pick up strength to accompany this meat, which by the way, we dont eat on a regular basis during the week.

I tasted this wine with two related cheeses. Pecorino Toscano is a soft, nutty cheese. Interestingly enough, I found that the wine was no longer robust, it seemed to soften to accompany this mild cheese. In the presence of a Pecorino Fiore Sardo, a balsamic sheeps milk cheese with a stronger flavor and coarser consistency than its Tuscan cousin, the wine almost magically picked up flavor to meet the challenge.

Final verdict, as you can tell this wine is a definite keeper.

Extra note. Several months ago on a whim I bought a $6 bottle of Montepulciano dAbruzzo. Given the realities of the marketplace, I really doubt that any producer can come up with a decent bottle at that price. At first the wine was terribly acidic. I held out, finished the bottle and the last glass was almost OK. Yes, there are bargains, such as this Riparosso, but few in the $6 range.

Levi Reiss has authored or co-authored ten books on computers and the Internet, but to be honest, he would rather just drink fine Italian or other wine, accompanied by the right foods. He teaches classes in computers at an Ontario French-language community college. His wine website is . You can reach him at Blog21114
Berti Blog52315

ADXDirect.coms Performance Driven Advertising Network Expands Its Benefits For Web Publishing

There is a greater opportunity for Web Publishers to monetize traffic than ever before network uses a comprehensive platform to cater to the needs of its partnering publishers.

Baltimore, MD (July 2nd, 2007) - Its a good time to be a web publisher; at least it is when a company like is availing its traffic monetizing services. Todays online environment is inducing record levels of advertising spending, largely because its a measurable medium where technological innovations are almost instantaneously implemented by both end-users and institutions. Its no longer a question of how to monetize the traffic of a website, but rather how best to. With the many choices web publishers have, makes perhaps the most compelling option of any advertising network found online today. is finding itself at the crest of a seismic shift in advertising that is translating into more compensation for the traffic of websites. Across every vertical, advertising spending is being pumped into the interactive arena. According to the Interactive Advertising Bureau, the first quarter advertising of 2007 brought in $4.9 billion this is up from $3.8 billion just a year ago. For, this means bigger roster of brand name advertisers, including Coca-Cola, Warner Brothers, and Chrysler. In turn, this translates to brighter prospects for the web publishers who partner with

The benefits offered to publishers are in many folds. To start, is a renowned partner service. The Baltimore-based dedicated media-buying specialists of will generate a competitive revenue share for publishers. Additionally, the monetization of traffic is optimized with premium rates for banners and pops.

Publishers can contact these experienced online advertising pros around the clock, 24/7 via phone, email, and IM (ADXDirect on Skype, AIM, and MSN). A satisfied marketing rep at commented, Your reps always answer my questions quickly and politely. I am very happy with the dependable service!

To date, web publishers have been thrilled with the offerings by, which is only one year in the making. Another value added benefit of is the matching of domestic and international traffic with relevant advertising. Therefore international traffic, a potential revenue source that is all too often filtered and wasted, can be effectively and easily monetized with ADXDirect.coms advertising platform. This feature alone could make partnering with a wise move for publishers.

A partnership with will help a publisher realize what separates this interactive advertising network from its peers. The reliable customer service and prompt payment scheduling; the brand name with big-money advertisers whose presence helps pay premium rates; and the contextual control offered to web publishers all create an extremely successful venture. values its in-network publishers and forces zero unwanted advertising upon its partners. Partnership implies co-operation and, for, partnership means a strong degree of contextual ad control for publishers.

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Phone: (347) 268-5818
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Andrew WellsAstrix Blog9691
Analise Blog32318

The Power of Attraction

The power of attraction concept has become very popular in recent months. The power of attraction is a mindset that you can have things attracted to you if you take the right steps. For example, if you change your mindset from worry to confidence then you will attract the things you desire. Another example is to let your desire be known and send this information out into the universe. The universe will respond by sending the things you desire your way. Many people believe that this concept is extremely powerful.

Are you looking for ways to improve your business? What specifically do you desire? Do you want to make more contacts? Do you want to earn a higher income each month? Begin by writing down the things that you desire. For example, you might want to earn $10,000 per month. Then set a goal a little higher than this amount. For example, make your goal $15,000 per month. Believe that you can achieve this goal each month. Set your mind on a positive path.

In other words, look for the impulse that comes from within and act on it. You have planted a seed within yourself. Your job is to act on the signals from this seed. Those actions will set you in the direction of your dreams and intentions.

Heres an example of the power of attraction at a conference. There are hundreds of people at the conference. They were instructed to get out 3 business cards. On the back of the first card, they were to write down something they wanted that someone on this planet can provide. They had to be specific.

For example, they are looking for a particular product or person. The power of attraction dictates that they can find somebody in the room that has what they are looking for or know someone who does. They repeated the process with the two other business cards as well. They have planted their order in the universe because these people wrote their desires down.

Heres another example. One man wanted to talk to the famous business man Richard Branson. This man thought about it in the airport and suddenly a magazine article about Richard Branson appeared to him in the airport gift shop. The man now has a chance to contact the author of the magazine article so he can eventually meet Richard Bronson. This shows the power of attraction and networking. This also shows you that your desire can come to you in some surprising way.

Follow this exercise and get your desire out in the universe. They may just come true.

Matt Bacak began investing his first earnings at the tender age of 12, a young businessman in the making. Now, 15 years later, Bacak survived failed businesses, botched partnerships, heavy credit card debt and bankruptcy - all in preparation for the accomplishments he has achieved today as a well-established Internet millionaire and best-selling author.Cathrin Blog1627
Barbi Blog41427

Color Psychology - Logo Design

When we see colors, we connect with them instantly on a subliminal level. No one can be sure if our reactions are the result of our very human nature or if they are shaped by our socialization, but the reactions are very real. The human mind is hardwired to respond to color.

Marketing experts know about that powerful connection between consumers and color. Theyve done a great deal of research using carefully controlled experiments and have decided that color does have a big role in forming peoples perceptions of products and logos. That research is confirmed by real world actions, too. Companies have found that changing a logos color scheme even a little bit can have a giant impact on sales.

When we see colors, we react right away. It happens faster than we can read a single word. In fact, the mind makes color connections and forms opinions before the conscious mind even knows what we are looking at!

A logo is the most repeated and frequently displayed symbol of your business. Its on your letterhead, your website, business cards, products and more. Its your brand and its an inseparable part of your business.

When you think about how important your logo is and consider the power of colors, its pretty obvious that color psychology should be a big part of logo design. If you overlook the color choices in your logo, you might be turning off possible customers instead of attracting new buyers.

Using color psychology to your advantage isnt easy. You can look at a simple chart that lists common colors and explains what they tend to represent--one is even included with this article just to give you some ideas. Doing that, however, really only scratches the surface of what color psychology is all about.

An effective logo designer will go beyond those simple color connections. He or she can take that information and combine it with knowledge of negative color connotations. A logo design specialist will also understand how people react to different combinations of colors and will be able to merge the messages of color psychology with great design skills. The result will be a logo that is both memorable and optimized for color use.

Today, many of us are in love with the do it yourself plan. We think that if we do a little research and work hard, we can do things just as effectively as can a professional. That might be true in some cases, but logo design is a perfect example of when we really need an experts help.

Logo experts understand design. They recognize the power of various forms and can create logos that communicate the nature of a company instantly. They have special skills and knowledge that helps them produce winning logos that look a lot better than our amateur creations.

The wise use of color psychology is a perfect example of how the talents and knowledge of a professional logo creator can make a lot of difference. A good designer will know how to choose colors to communicate a client's message effectively without risking the mistakes "do it yourselfers often commit.

If you are in the market for a logo, consult with a talented logo expert who can use the science of color psychology to your advantage!

Color Psychology Basics

Here are some of the most frequently used colors and the positive messages they communicate. As noted, this basic chart isnt comprehensive. It doesnt list negative associations and it doesnt discuss the best ways to combine colors. However, it is an interesting introduction to color psychology

BLACK: Mystery, secrecy, tradition.
BLUE: Power, calmness, success, trustworthiness.
BROWN: Earth and nature, simplicity, seriousness.
GREEN: Harmony, health and healing, nature and animals, money.
ORANGE: Affordability, fun, youth, creativity, celebration.
PURPLE: Fantasy and dreams, justice, royalty.
RED:Excitement, action, adventure, love, passion, food.
WHITE: Simplicity, cleanliness, innocence.
YELLOW: Cheerfulness, playfulness, curiosity, amusement.

Julia Raven specialises in Writing Articles about, Graphic Design and Outsourcing. She also maintains a where you can get the complete List of Logo Designers in 1 place.Annetta Blog28441
Anna Diana Blog51850



The .BIZ top-level domain was to be a "restricted domain" limited to only those parties who intend to use the domain for a "bona fide business or commercial use." A bona fide business or commercial use or intent to use was defined as "(i) to exchange goods, services, or property of any kind; or (ii) in the ordinary course of trade or business; or (iii) to facilitate the exchange of goods, services, information, or property of any kind or the ordinary course of trade or business." It was not considered a bona fide business or commercial use to use or intend to use the domain name "exclusively for the expression of noncommercial ideas, i.e. registering ABCSUCKS.BIZ exclusively to criticize or otherwise express an opinion on the products or services of ABC company, with no other intended business or commercial purpose."

In addition, selling, trading, or leasing the domain name, or making an unsolicited offer to sell, trade or lease the domain name for compensation was not considered a bona fide business purpose or intended purpose.

In order to prevent potential "cybersquatting" with respect to the initial introduction of the .BIZ domain, NeuLevel, the .BIZ Registry of the time, introduced an I.P. Claim Service to protect trademark holders from the expected initial "gold rush" in registering .BIZ domain names.

Under the I.P. Claim Service, trademark holders, whether common law, registered or pending trademarks or service marks, filed claims of their trademark rights electronically with NeuLevel, or other Registrars which had entered into agreements with NeuLevel. The claim of trademark rights was not an application for the domain name in question. The trademark owner needed to separately file applications for the domain name.

If a third party filed an application for the exact trademark upon which a trademark owner had electronically filed a claim under the I.P. Claim Service, the .BIZ Registry would notify the applicant of the trademark holders' claimed prior rights, and would also notify the trademark holder of the application, including the applicant's particulars.

The applicant would then have the opportunity to either notify the .BIZ Registry that it planned to maintain its application, in which case the application would enter the pool of applications which would be randomly selected for registration; or, if the applicant notified the .BIZ Registry that it did not wish to maintain its application or if the applicant took no action, the application would be considered withdrawn and would not be included in the random selection process.

If an applicant maintained its application and the application was randomly selected for registration, the domain name which was identical to the trademark upon which the trademark owner had filed a claim would be placed "on hold" so that no one could use the domain name during a "Cooling-Off Period," during which period the trademark holder could either resolve the matter amicably, or could file a "Start-Up Trademark Opposition Policy" (STOP) claim, a modified version of the ICANN UDRP. Under the STOP Opposition procedure, the trademark holder had to prove that the domain name was either registered or used in "bad faith," a much lower standard of proof than under the UDRP, which is applicable to disputes if the I. P. Claim procedure was not invoked by the trademark holder.

In addition to the STOP procedure, and the availability of the UDRP, there was also an on-going Restriction Dispute Resolution Policy (RDRP), to resolve claims that that the .BIZ domain name Registrant was not using or did not intend to use the domain name for a bona fide commercial purpose. Under the Policy, a third party with standing could file a complaint alleging that the "domain name is not being, or will not be, used primarily for a bona fide business or commercial purpose" and the Complainant "has been injured, or is likely to be injured, as a direct result of the third party's registration or use of the domain name." A mere claim of non-use of the domain name was to be insufficient to succeed in such an action.

Moving forward to today, the .BIZ domain is active, and has achieved a respectable position behind .COM.

The law Offices of Michael D. Stewart can assist you in these and a variety of other issues. Mr. Stewart is licensed in New York and Florida. You may contact us at Michael D. Stewart, Esq. * Law Offices of Michael D. Stewart * 335 S. Biscayne Blvd., #UPH00 * Miami, Florida 33131 * * * 1-305-394-8546 Telephone * 1-866-438-6574 Toll-free * 1-866-380-8986 Facsimile

© Copyright 2006-2007 Michael D. Stewart

Michael D. Stewart, Esq.Arluene Blog77998
Ariana Blog67968

Truck Drivers - Not The Dangerous Ones On The Road

Truck Drivers: Not The Dangerous Ones On The Road

Many people believe that truck drivers are the dangerous villains of the highway. That they are constantly driving dangerously and erratically - scaring anyone in their path with their 80,000-pound vehicles of menace to deliver their freight of goods.

Ive asked people what they envision a trucker to be and they often describe/stereotype someone that might resemble a member of the Charlie Daniels Band. I hear a smoker, a drinker, a criminal, a drug user, uneducated, dirty. (please note this is not a slap at any member of the aforementioned band in fact, Im a big fan of the CDB)

The facts of life, and in this case the facts of the modern day trucking industry, are quite the opposite. Truck drivers have to go to trucking school in order to obtain the license to drive commercially. Then they have to go through a long list of tests in order to obtain employment with a trucking company. After theyre employed there are then miles upon miles of legislation (no pun intended) governing every aspect of their job. Everything from the hours of service drivers can operate, the amount of freight they can carry, the type of freight they can haul, and the weight involved with their truck, trailer, fright, and fuel. As you can see, its a lot more difficult than obtaining a standard state issued drivers license and delivering pizzas.

Then you have the trucking company standards. Almost every company requires a clean and kept look about their applicants. All companies perform drug screens prior to employment and random screens during employment. They all perform background checks and MVR reports (motor vehicle reports). They also perform whats called a DAC report which is a transportation specific agency set up to keep track of truck drivers and their work histories. Trucking companies have tremendous criteria they must meet just to get an approved applicant, much less recruit and offer a job to a driver with the hopes that theyll accept. Company recruiting budgets to find quality drivers can run in the millions of dollars per month. Name another industry with these stringent of hiring standards and also has this high of an expense to recruit employees. I cant name one either.

The bottom line is this: its more difficult to get a job as a commercial truck driver than it is to become an EMT Basic, and ambulance workers are viewed as heroes rightfully so because they save lives. I ask that you try to change your view of truck drivers and Ill name a few additional reasons why food, clothes, cars, gas, home building supplies, and the computer youre using to read this. If you ate it, wore it, drove it, put it in or on a car, lived in a home or apt, and are viewing this article then youve reaped the fruits of the trucking and transportation industry. Everything we eat, touch, or use has been on a commercial truck at some point. Everything. Think about it, unless you grew it or made it out of the earth with your own two hands, it was trucked in to a store for you to purchase. I say it again: Everything.

Heres a ratio for your consideration 4,000:1. Commercial truckers drive 4,000 times the number of miles and get involved in an accident as compared to standard drivers referred to as 4-wheelers by those that drive 18-wheelers. This means, that if you drove 10 miles to work and got in an accident, and drove home from work that day and got in an accident, the commercial truck driver would have driven 80,000 miles and gotten into 2 accidents. Have you driven 20 miles and had 2 accidents? Its no big deal for commercial drivers to go MILLIONS of miles accident free. This can be attributed to the care these men and women take towards operating safely on more than a day-by-day basis its moment by moment. The regulations and restrictions these drivers abide by can also be attributed to their miles upon miles of safety.

I authored this article with the hopes that it would get published and read by people not affiliated with the trucking industry. I hope that in reading you may have gained a new understanding of the men and women that are quite literally driving America. They work hard and dont get the greatest of pay. It takes a special person to commit your career to the road so next time you see a truck driver, give them a wave. Theyll appreciate it.

Authored by Kyle Jernigan
Copyright 2007

Kyle Jernigan is an account executive for We help trucking companies find qualified truck drivers. Kyle graduated from The University of Alabama with a BS in Management Information Systems, minoring in Computer Software Systems and English.Ambur Blog79710
Cecily Blog45072

3 Key Internet Business StartUp Ideas Without a Website

A great deal of money has been made by online entrepreneurs who have implemented these 3 highly successful business models that can help you create income online without having to invest a single a cent in website design, hosting, optimizing or website maintenance.

1. Affiliate Marketing

This is how to set yourself up as an affiliate marketer

1. Becoming an Affiliate

Firstly you need to sign up as an affiliate with individual companies or affiliate networks that represent several companies.

These affiliate networks usually have a wide range of products and services to choose from and offer everything from e-books to networking products to sell.

They also administer your account in such a way as to provide you with up to date earning and traffic statistics.

2. Get Products and Services to Sell

Next you need to identify the products or companies whose products you would like to promote.

You can do this by either choosing the most popular, hottest selling products or the ones that you have an interest in or are knowledgeable about.

3. Selling and Marketing

Once you've got your unique affiliate link, which you'll get from the affiliate network, for each product that you want to sell you need to start getting it all over the internet.

This link can then be promoted by,

1. advertising it

One of the most effective and most popular advertising models involves you setting up a Google Adwords account

You then purchase pay-per-click keywords on which determine when, where and how often your Google Adsense ads appear all over the internet.

Your affiliate tracking code will be embedded in the Adsense link which will send buyers directly to the affiliate merchant.

You will then earn commission on each sale made.

This is the best way of getting massive targetted traffic to the merchant's site where your prospects will hopefully make a purchase.

However, whilst you may be generating traffic don't forget that each click your ad gets costs you money and if you are spending more on Adwords advertising than you are generating in commission you will be out of pocket soon.

2. having it included in someone else?s website

3. using it in an e-mail newsletter - direct marketing

2. Start Selling on eBay

eBay is the hottest e-commerce site on the web today, and for good reason...

* More than 2 million people visit every single day, spending an

average of two hours navigating through eBay's pages and listings

* More than $1,000 in sales happen on eBay every single second

* 72% of eBay users have incomes in excess of $50,000 per year--so they come ready to spend!

And while those listings will cost you only pennies to place on eBay's pages, you gain immediate access to millions of buyers who are looking for items just like yours.

3. Start Selling on Purpose Built Websites

One of the easiest ways of setting up an online business is to buy into a ready made store front that will be populated with thousands of digital products and services all embedded with your unique affiliate tracking code

So everytime a purchase is made from your site you are credited with the commission.

So there you have it, employ one or all three methods to launch a legitimate and sustainable online business.

Tom is internet marketar from 2000.Adrienne Blog50489
Anabal Blog57538

Health Benefits for Americans Part 1 - Is Consumer Driven Health the Answer?

Lewis Gregory suffered a heart attack two years ago that left the family mired in debt.

"We have absolutely no way to even dream of paying $125,000," he said.

Lewis's story has become more and more common in the US. Fifteen percent of Americans do not have health benefits. And of that number, as many as 80 percent have at least one parent working full-time. They make too much money to qualify for government-sponsored health plans, but not enough to pay for private healthcare. And more still are turned down by health insurance companies because of age limits or ongoing medical conditions.

I won't try to list all the reasons that the US healthcare system leaves so many of its citizens without healthcare. But the fact is that more and more Americans are going to bed each night without adequate health benefits or without healthcare at all. And as recently as 2005, the White House proposed $10 billion in cuts to Medicaid.

Is there a solution in sight?

Well, there just might be. And it comes in the form of Consumer Drive Health benefits programs (CDH). In some ways it operates like any business in a capitalistic society. The healthcare provider with the most reasonable rates and best quality of service gets the most business. Those doctors who are too expensive or don't meet their patients' needs, don't get customers. But there's a twist. With CDH, the consumer has the power of a network of other consumers to help negotiate the most reasonable price possible.

Sounding a bit like an HMO? Consumer Driven Health programs are not HMOs or any other kind of insurance. The biggest difference is that the patient and the doctor-not the insurance company-decide what treatment the patient will receive, based on whatever criteria matters most to the patient.

And there's another BIG difference. With Consumer Driven Health there are: - No waiting periods - No deductibles - No claims forms - No age limits - No ongoing medical problems exclusions - No hassles

That's not all. With Consumer Driven Health benefits, the customer receives many services that insurance companies and Medicare/Medicaid do not allow, including vision, dental, orthodontic, chiropractic, and even cosmetic surgery!

If this sounds too good to be true, think again. Consumer Driven Health is set up to be successful. They provide reasonable rates, and quality products and services. But the most important thing is that Consumer Driven Health programs provide a reasonable alternative to a health benefits system that isn't working for a large number of Americans.

Jim Martinez is a National Sales Director for AmeriPlan USA, offering discount health benefits programs that include ongoing medical conditions, starting at just $49.95 per month. For more information on AmeriPlan Health, Dental, Vision, Prescription and Chiropractic Benefits and more health related articles, visit Blog56247
Arlen Blog38800

Bad Credit Secured Loans Offer Money At Low Rates

In the present day scenario, borrowers with bad credit are provided with ample opportunities to improve their financial status. To avail the maximum benefits, even if collateral is required to be pledged, it is completely worth it. This can be done through bad credit secured loans.

Bad credit is a situation in which there is a default in the credit history of the borrower. This may be due to any of the following:

* Defaults
* County Court Judgments
* Bad credit score of less than 580
* Arrears

Bad credit situation of borrower can arise due to various factors like bad credit in past, long time illness, loss of job, regularly shifting job or address, defaults in the payments, lavishly spending money, defaults while dealing with several loans for personal needs etc.

The borrower can make the bad credit loan secured by pledging collateral with the lender. The collateral can be any asset like car, house, stocks, and bonds etc which hold some equity value in the market. The bad credit secured loan is approved based on this equity

With, the borrower can fulfill any requirement that he has like debt consolidation, home improvement, a vacation, educational expense, wedding expenses, etc.

An amount of 5000-75000 can be borrowed through bad credit secured loans. This amount is required to be repaid to the lender in a term of 5-25 years. The interest rate is low even for bad credit borrowers as there is attachment of collateral with the bad credit loan.

A search for bad credit secured loans can be conducted online. There are numerous lenders present in the online market who are ready to offer to money at low rate to borrowers ready to place collateral. So a thorough search can help a great deal in obtaining a loan.

Bad credit secured loans are the best way for a bad credit borrower if he wants a low interest rate and a good repayment term for the bad credit loan.

Carmen Cortez is a specialist advisor of every type of business loan and currently working as Bad Credit Secured Loans. For further details of bad credit secured loans, bad credit personal loans, bad credit loans uk, loans in uk, bad credit secured loans uk, bad credit unsecured loans uk you need to visit Blog61723
Althea Blog41456

How Do You Benefit From A Registry Cleaner

These days, more and more computer users are using registry cleaner software to keep the registry clean and to keep their computers in good health. Computers are the information highway of the 21st century, and most households in the United States use computers for various reasons. The more you use your computer, more information gets stored in its registry. The benefit of a registry cleaner is that it helps slim down the registry by removing the unnecessary data thereby making your computer run faster. The registry of your computer is the section where all applications create entries for temporary data, and these entries are never deleted by on their own. The more data your computer processes, the more bloated your registry gets, often slowing down your computer.

It is necessary that you use a window registry cleaner, periodically, to remove all the unnecessary data in the registry. Over time the invalid entries, resulting from uninstalling or incorrectly removing of the software accumulate in the registry. A registry cleaner simply deletes these entries from the registry and helps your system to function at its optimum level.

The Benefits of Cleaning The Registry

This is normally what most computer users do:

Frequently install or uninstall programs

Delete software that was never really fully "uninstalled"

Alternately, your computer may have an embedded Spyware, or you may have unused but undeleted drivers in your system. All such accumulated problems can lead to stalls in the system, or reduced operating speeds. This is where a registry cleaner comes in handy. Before the problems rise to such levels, cleaning your registry periodically gets rid of all these extra entries.

Arvind Singh is admin and technical expert associated with development of computer security and performance enhancing software like Registry Cleaner, Window Cleaner, Anti Spam Filter etc. More information can be found at Related Information: Blog1889
Birgit Blog13977

Thinking About A Major Remodeling?

You might be looking around your home and say, This place is so outdated, its time to fix it up. And so you might go to the library for information on how to design and plan a home improvement; how to deal with the city building department; how to do tear outand where to dispose of debris; how to do carpentry, electrical, plumbing, dry wall, painting . . . Hmmmmm . . . Perhaps you will hire somebody to do this, instead.

Whether you decide to do it yourself or decide to hire a contractor, the first thing you have to do is clear all your stuff out of the area that is going to be remodeled. Take a deep breath and get ready for MESS. Having had my own kitchen extensively remodeled, I know how stressful it is to have ones house torn up. Our home is our safe place. Even if it is an ill-suited, messy nest, it is our shelter; and we have strong feelings about that shelter.

I think the time it takes to complete the job has a big impact on weather you think it was worth it when completed. In order to get the job done in as short a time as possible, whoever does the job, a home owner or a contractor has to plan in advance. Make a schedule of every action before starting.

There is a list of things needed in every job. One important item not to forget is to make sure you order all the materials in advance especially the cabinets. Dont do anything till you open the boxes and inspect the contents for damage and to make sure the correct model and color cabinets are there. Make sure there are enough cabinets and moldings. You dont want to have to stop and order anything in the middle of the project and have to wait 2 weeks for something.

1. Empty all the cupboards and closets. This may take a couple days

2. Demolish the cupboards and counter tops. Dont forget this includes cutting up the debris to fit in garbage bags and carrying around or loading into a dumpster. Probably a couple days.

3. Demolish all the drywall or plaster and put in bags. Dont forget old drywall and all plaster is loaded with asbestos. Maybe a day.

3 Remove all the old wiring and pipes that wont be needed.

4 Remove all the old flooring. This too may have asbestos. Pay attention to the wall heights at this point, especially if you will be having any full height cabinets later. This can take 2 full days.

5 Rough plumb and rough wire for the new utilities and be sure to install what ever tin work for moved heating or microwave vents. This could take several days.

6. Change out any windows and door openings. This can take several days.

7. Install the new drywall. This can take as long as a week.

8. Paint on special drywall primer. A day to dry.

9. Install sub floor (and finish floor if using ceramic). Another week maybe.

10 Install the cabinets then the counter tops. If the counter tops are made by someone else this is 2 days.

11 Small misc. jobs and clean up and trim A couple days.

Even a careful crew makes noise as they tear out drywall and flooring. Though they lay down plastic and tarps, they will be tracking endlessly through your housethe door will seem never to be closed!

Kitchens are particularly difficult to bear with. My appliances and table were in the living room. I washed dishes in the laundry room sink, and cooked with small electrical appliances on the washer and dryer. Everything was misplaced.

And then the drywall was taped and sanded. Even though plastic was taped to the walls to keep the dust from the rest of the house; dust still found its way into rooms it had no business being in!

The stress of spending money, having to work your schedule around other people, noise, distraction, dust, endless discussions and decisions; it is stressfulbe prepared! There is no getting around it, construction is messy.

But the result is SO worth it. Having a beautiful new room that works efficiently. New appliances, new plumbing, new lighting. It just feels good! You will forget the aggravation and difficulty of the remodeling phase as you take delight in your new skylight, or Jacuzzi, or shower, or kitchen, or fireplace. Pleasure in your remodeling job lasts a long time. It is all worth while.

As you can see this is about a month long process for a full time crew.

Good luck.

Bob McGuire is owner of Oakbridge Construction and Blog32405
Alix Blog46392

Looking for Hosting in All the Wrong Places

Most people look for a web host in all the wrong places.

"Looking for Hosting in All the Wrong Places"

Sounds like the old country and western song by Johnny Lee from the movie "Urban Cowboy"?

Well, most people are looking for web hosting in all the wrong places. They enter "web hosting" into Google or Yahoo and are inundated by all of the advertising for web hosts. When you read what they have to offer, it is all the same thing. There is really not one iota of difference between any of them.

Each web host tout bandwidth, gigs of storage, free domain names, great support, free software, etc. They have fancy websites done by professional graphic designers made to catch your eye and get you to sign up.

Another "wrong place" is under the search term "web host review". These sites are built to make the site owner money by referring people to the web host for which the reviewer receives an affiliate commission. Odds are the reviewer has never hosted a website on any of the reviewed sites. The reviewer is using second hand knowledge to post information about the sites.

The best web host is the one that provides you with the best chance of success. Unfortunately, the best web host will not be found in the hype of the review sites or on the first page of Google search for "web host".

You can find the best web host if you spend time and drill down for the right answer.

The right place to look for the best web host is to search for the one that publicizes the success rate of the websites that it hosts. You ask, "How do you measure the success of a website". The best way is to find its Alexa rating. This will tell you how the website ranks against all other websites on the Internet.

The best web host posts this information for all the world to see and is proud of it.

When you start looking for the best web host, look for one that provides this information. Find the answer to "How to build a successful website".

I wish you success in your quest.

Copyright 2007 John Howe, Inc.

John V. W. Howe is an entrepreneur, author, inventor, patent holder, husband, father, and grandfather. He has worked with computers for over 44 years. He is an expert in website creation and web hosting. He has published over 60 articles on the Internet covering diverse topics. His website helps people analyze their needs and match those needs to the best web host. He also publishes an ezine for Internet entrepreneurs.Berte Blog7179
Aggy Blog9190

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